Get homeowners ready to sign a contract faster

We help homeowners get 3D plans in about a week for about $1,000.

Always FREE for contractors

Your logo here
You send homeowners to your co-branded design page.

With RenoFi Design you get your own page where you can start sending homeowners who need design.

RenoFi designers work with them over Zoom and create design concepts.

Our design team works with the homeowners to balance wish-list and budget to create a few concepts.

They get a package with 3D conceptual designs for their project.

Homeowner receives their package with 3D conceptual designs for their renovation project.

The homeowner is ready to sign your contract!

With our 3D design package, you now have what you need to help homeowners decide which option is best for them, provide cost estimates and ultimately get the homeowner under contract.

The Benefits

Gets Homeowners Moving

By visualizing their project and understanding what’s possible, they're ready to move forward.

Always FREE For Contractors

Our mission is to help contractors and homeowners complete more renovations.

Low Cost For Homeowners

Designs for a fraction of the cost of traditional designers and architects.

Get your Design page and start sharing it with homeowners today

Always free for contractors

Signup now (takes 2min)

View an example co-branded page

RenoFi Design gets homeowners unstuck and ready to renovate

The cost estimate really helped us determine what we should prioritize and how we could maximize our budget for our renovation.

Corey Cusimano
Homeowner, New Haven, CT

After only two calls, we were ready to share our plans with contractors to kick off the bidding process.

Megan Balderston
Homeowner, Wynnewood, PA
Why is this service free for contractors?
We are building a multifaceted renovation company and our business model is predicated on the successful completion of renovation projects, rather than on the sale of individual services. Contractors are at the heart of the renovation ecosystem, and since our launch in 2018, we’ve been building various programs to help them complete more projects, such as renovation financing, lead generation, and marketing. If you’d like to learn more about our existing programs, schedule a call here.
What does the homeowner get?
The RenoFi Design package offers two Zoom consultation calls with a professional designer. During the first call, one of our designers will assess the current space, its limitations, and potential, followed by brainstorming initial design concepts. In the second call, the designer will present up to three design concepts for review and discussion. The final PDF design package includes 3D conceptual designs of the renovation, which can be used to provide estimates.
How does it work?
Upon signing up, you will immediately receive a referral link to your co-branded design page, allowing you to start referring homeowners in need of design services right away. Homeowners can request design services through this page and begin the 3-step process: an initial consultation, a property scan, and a design concept review. At the end of the process, the homeowner will receive a design package, enabling you to provide them with an estimate for the project.
Do I need to be part of the process?
No, contractors are not required to participate in the process or provide any additional information. Our designers work directly with the homeowner, however contractors are encouraged to participate in the process as they see fit. The contractor that refers the homeowner provides ballpark estimates for the conceptual designs.
What are the turnaround times?
The process usually takes about a week, but it sometimes varies depending on the speed with which the homeowners provide their scans and wishlists.
Is there a limit on the number of homeowners that I can send?
No, there is no limit and you can send as many homeowners as you wish - our designers will be happy to help!
Are homeowners that use RenoFi Design required to apply for financing through RenoFi?
No! RenoFi Design is available to ANY homeowner - regardless of if they are considering financing or not.