If a low credit score is preventing you from getting approved for a home loan, there are a few things you can do to bring it up pretty quickly. Depending on what items on your credit report are holding you down, these are some of the fastest strategies to boost your score.
Learn more about debt-to-income ratios: what they are, how lenders calculate them, and use the RenoFi DTI calculator to calculate yours
If you're planning a home renovation in the near future, you CAN lock-in that awesome lower rate with a new mortgage, and when you're ready to renovate, just add RenoFi's renovation home equity loan on top without another refi. Here's how RenoFi loans can help you maximize your borrowing power and your cost savings — on your own time.
A comprehensive guide to help you understand how you can add renovation costs to a mortgage and if this is the right option for you.